Belief #1

Life is too short to do something that doesn't fulfill the deepest desires of your soul.

Belief #2

We are all perfectly imperfect beings and shouldn't be afraid to show our flaws. You are not broken and you never ever were.

Belief #3

You are able to exude control over your thoughts, actions, and life. 

i'm lauren diana


Most would describe me as an extra curvy, beyond her prime, single, boss lady. But in reality, I am so much more than those bs labels. And so are you.

Society may put us in boxes, but that doesn't mean we have to stay there. So let's break free from who we think we should be and start living the fulfilling life we deserve.

Join me on a journey of self-love, self-discovery, and unapologetic confidence. 

I've made it my mission to help women tap into the deepest desires of their souls - and give them the tools to help make those desires a reality.

my story


The daughter of well-meaning, but flawed parents (aren't we all), I grew up thinking that I had only one choice in life. Go to school, get a good job, and build a stable life for myself. While this laser focus led me to a high-paying career in my 30s, it didn't leave me with any sense of who I was and what brought me joy.

I did what you were supposed to - and each time I did that - I lost more and more pieces of myself. Till one day, I was so sick physically, mentally, and emotionally - I had a massive burn out.

After realizing I literally could no longer do this if I wanted to live, I walked away from it all and embarked on the ultimate journey of self-discovery. And I learned that once you step into who you really are, there's no going back.

If you're ready to walk away from your own limiting beliefs and build a life you love, I am ready to lead the way and give you all the things you need to get there.

One day at a time, your life will change, until one day it's exactly what you've always wanted ❤︎


Lauren Scalf in Scotland

"I had a lot of ideas and thoughts about what I wanted to do with my life, but I wasn’t taking any actions and I didn’t know why. I wasn’t sure what I truly wanted. Now I am on track to open my Etsy shop this weekend and launch my collection this week! I now have some really helpful tools to help me find peace, direction, and clarity - I believe these will help guide me, but I also know I’ve just scratched the surface. Lauren is life changing - you need to be committed and do the work, but it’s worth it. Within the first week you’ll understand why."

Brittany S.

Love Notes

"I'd been juggling business & family with little to no support. It felt like everything was falling apart around me. I decided it was time do something for me. I feel much more in control of my own destiny. If you want to take control of your life, heal your past & start creating a better future you should get in touch with Lauren. Her program is grounding, healing & life-changing. I cannot recommend Lauren enough!"

Kayleigh W.

media bio

Lauren Diana is a Psychic Intuitive Business Coach, Certified Business Strategist, and Online Educator for female entrepreneurs looking to create a profitable business online. She’s done thousands of online trainings showing others how to use digital marketing for business growth. With over 20 years in the marketing industry focused on helping Fortune 100 & 500 companies increase their revenue through online channels, she translates that knowledge into the online entrepreneur space. With her diverse background in web development & design, digital marketing, and course creation - she’s helped hundreds of women turn their passion and ideas into money making ventures. When not working with her Soul Empowered clients, she can be found running Laurea Consulting, her full service digital marketing and business strategy agency.

At the heart of Lauren's mission is a profound commitment to spirituality, meditation, trauma healing, and manifestation. She’s the creator of the Soul Systems Method™, which transforms mindset blocks and limiting beliefs into rapid success so that her clients can go forth and create the life and business of their dreams. She believes that success in business is not just about the bottom line, but about staying true to one's values and creating a life filled with passion and purpose. Through her coaching and psychic insights, Lauren offers a holistic approach to entrepreneurship, ensuring her clients not only achieve their business goals, but also embark on a journey of personal growth and self-discovery.

When not jet setting around the globe or ADHD hyper-focusing on the next big business thing, Lauren can be found cooking something amazing or relaxing on her couch, binging whatever the hottest new show on streaming is.