How to Create the Life of Your Dreams & Live Soul Empowered

business mindset Jul 07, 2023
Blog Thumbnail Create the Life of Your Dreams

So what is a Soul Empowered Life? It's about living the life you were meant to live, doing what you were meant to do and being authentically who you are. In order to create a soul empowered life for yourself, there are certain things that need to be addressed head on.

You'll have some work ahead of you, but it will all be worth it in the end when your dreams start coming true.

These are some of the steps I took on my journey toward creating a soul empowered life.

I took this photo on my first trip to Iceland! This is the Jökulsárlón (yoo-cool-sour-lawn) glacier and it really is breathtaking to see in person. This is what I call living a Soul Empowered Life!


Soul Empowered: (adj) Living life in a way that fuels and honors your soul!


Being Honest

This is the first, most important, and hardest step for many. We are experts at lying to ourselves and finding ways to justify why we do what we do. That's not to say this is a bad thing.

Most of my clients, and myself included, have a background that includes trauma, and we have done this as a way to cope and survive. But now is the time for you to really take that look in the mirror and make a commitment to yourself to always be honest. Honest about what you want, about who you are, what you need, and how you want your life to be.

You also have to be willing to admit what isn't working and what you need to create in order to have the life you want. Doing this will strengthen your connection to your soul and who you truly are.


Decide What You Want

Once you've become honest with yourself, you will have the clarity and self assurance to decide what it is you want to create. Is it better relationships? Changes to your business? Or starting a business? More money? The sky is the limit, but you have to be brave enough to truly put out into the universe what it is you deeply desire.


Take Action

You've made the commitment to be honest, taken the time to decide what it is you truly desire, and now it's time to do the work. This is usually the spot where many get hung up. They want to manifest something, but they don't do anything to open the doors for the universe to bring you the result.

Action is the key to creating what you desire. It's not enough just to think about it or daydream about how nice it would be if things changed or make some fancy vision board. You have to take action and turn your thoughts into reality for all these changes to really happen in your life.

This is where my specialized action guide I give all my clients really comes in handy! It's a yearly action plan that is designed to get you on the right track to your Soul Empowered life!

I also offer coaching sessions if you need more one-on-one support getting started with whatever it is you're trying to create. We work together so you have unwavering support (and a safe and healthy does of tough love) so that you can easily become the powerful creator I know you are!

Now go forth! Start visualizing, start being truly honest, and start taking action!

Want my help? Let's chat!


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